1,000th Desktop Image, Acquired

I’ve been collecting desktop images, aka wallpapers, since around 1994. Some are my own photos or artsy experiments, most have been found online. As you can probably tell by the 16 years it took for me to get 1,000 of them, I’m quite picky when it comes to what I give so much screen real-estate. To celebrate, here are 20 of my favorite ones for your enjoyment.

Awesome Concert Posters and Flyers Reference Site

Just discovered GigPosters.com and I’m having a blast browsing through the listings for all my favorite bands/singers/musicians, finding gems such as the 1992 Beastie Boys flyer embedded above.

GigPosters.com showcases gig posters, handbills and flyers from around the world. Great for artists, musicians, bands, designers, venues and music collectors.

Clever In-Source Marketing

This is what you will find if you view the source of The Oatmeal. Links to http://pterodactyl.me.

We’re no strangers to such hidden gems ourselves, at Automattic. I won’t say more so you can find them yourself, but if you know where to look, we have our own sprinkled throughout our product line. Not truly advertising per-se, but in the same spirit. Hint: a tad deeper than just HTML source. :)

Air Hogs are Fun!

Teagan (11) received an Air Hogs helicopter at my wife’s corporate Xmas party. Those things are fun!

Now, of course, if you’re into really cool flying gizmos, you owe it to yourself to head over and drool on the iOS-controlled Parrot A.R. Drones, with their augmented-reality video game et alii. See video embedded after the break.

Wowwee also has quite a few fun flying toys.

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