Selvatica Zip-Lining and Cenote Cliff-Diving

The one goal I wanted to achieve on this trip to Mexico was cliff-diving in a cenote, which as you can see in the photos, I had the chance to do during our day spent at Puerto MorelosSelvatica. The zip-lining was also a lot of fun.

Bonus: They produced a DVD of our group’s day at the end. I’ve attached the cenote diving video, in which you can see Teagan and myself being our usual crazy selves at 0:44, 1:52, 2:30, 2:33, 2:44 and 2:56. The zip-lining video is a tad too large to upload with my current connection, unfortunately.

The Hectometer Freedive

William Trubridge becomes the first human being to dive completely unassisted to 100 meters (one hectometer). With a single breath of air, and only his hands and feet for propulsion, he set this historic world record in Dean’s Blue Hole, Long Island, Bahamas, on December 13, 2010.

Found via Thako: The HECTOMETER freedive on Vimeo.

See also Guillaume Nery Base Jumping at Dean’s Blue Hole.

Enclosed Cenote

Went swimming into another hidden (private) cenote today, once again thanks to my local friend, Stéphane (yup, another one). It’s located close to the previous one, but is private instead of communal. It’s also enclosed, instead of opened, and is only accessible via a small manhole straight into the ground.

The above picture depicts how it looked to us: dark, with a beautiful sunlight coming through a man-made hole, wth crystal clear waters. The gallery shows it with a flash, to see how it actually looks when lit.