A lesson in etymology for Jean Charest

Democracy: from the Greek: δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) “rule of the people”,[1] which was coined from δῆμος (dêmos) “people” and κράτος (kratos) “power”, circa 400 BC.

So Mr. Charest, I’d like to point out that when you try to demonize the people by calling them “la rue“, you are basically alienating, if not insulting, the very people who are in charge of electing you. Not entirely sure how you thought this might be a good idea…

Ryan Markel

There’s lots of talk going on early this week about Twitter and their intentions towards third-party clients. Will they permit them? Will Tweetbot still be around in six months? How am I going to connect with other people if Twitter goes the Facebook route and makes me use official clients that aren’t as nice as the third-party ones I have now?

I was going to write a bunch of words about this, but in the end it comes down to something very simple.

Your blog has always loved you. Open—or at least agreed-upon and widely used—standards are not going to magically grow walls and keep you or others out.

WordPress. RSS. Comments. Pingbacks.

Digging deeper: PHP. MySQL. Apache/Nginx. Linux.

These things don’t belong to someone else. They don’t belong to a company that needs to please its investors. They don’t have reasons to keep you out or to stop…

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Protecting Quebec’s culture? Sure, but is French really it? ;)

That quote really made me smile.

The idea of protecting Quebec’s French culture is quite the noble endeavor. The only problem being I don’t think any of the First Nations were francophone. This notion that Quebec’s history is French is a blatant slap in the face of Quebec’s true historical identity, one the PQ is more than happy to gloss over. Does the PQ understand that there were people here prior to the French landing? It’s okay for their language to disappear?  Does no attention need to be paid to their history or culture?

Via DTA’s Thoughts: The Language Police: Because being English will soon be a crime.

It really reminded me of this cartoon: